Torch War

Torch War

Por NyxCom
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The former emperor was known for being a just man, honoring and prudent, he always sought to keep the imperial patrimony protected as it was the main guarantee of a promising future for his heirs and consequently for his people. Many believe that one of the aggravating factors for the disease that ended up leading him to death was the already constant disagreements between his young children, the evil began to act minutely within that family.
He seemed to see the catastrophe that was to come and that would result in an evident fragmentation of his empire, seeking to alleviate the suffering that would fall on his people, he decided to hide much of his heritage inside gigantic rock sculptures, pinning his hopes on what he believed to be the wiser choice, so the location of all those treasures were kept secret as a gift to the descendants of their nation.

The arrival of the cursed stones only aggravated the already weak and almost non-existent fraternal bond between the young monarchs, shortly after the continent had already been segmented forming the Shinsu, Chunjo and Jinno Empires. Since then, rival kingdoms have been constantly fighting for power, territory and resources.

Yet for many years part of her father's inheritance was never found by his greedy successors, until the day a humble and sympathetic old woman decided to share the dreams she was having nightly:

Soon everyone realized that they were the old and great torches, monuments until then used as decorative pieces in the battles between the Empires. After this valuable information what were just simple and irrelevant ornate utensils became the main objective of these cruel, bloody and deadly combats.



How it works

The Torch War consists of a strategic battle of defense and attack, the main objective of the activity is to promote competition between empires so that two of them seek to destroy them and the other to protect them. The event takes place in all castles, however the process happens intermittently and the last kingdom to protect itself will only return to defend its castle after carrying out two consecutive attacks on its rivals' castles.

An advertisement will be displayed to all players informing which castle the torches will appear in.




From that point on, players from the defending realm who wish to participate in the battle must look for the Teleporter NPC.


By clicking on it the option to be taken to the castle to defend it will be available, so make sure you are prepared before being sent to the place of confrontation.
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Players from the attacking realms must go to Valley of Seungryong to access the respective castle to be attacked by their Castle Gate

Arriving at the corresponding castle torches and stones will be scattered around the place, the number of torches can vary between 5 to 10 units. The aggressor kingdoms must attack the torches in order to destroy as many of them as possible, since the defending kingdom aims to prevent the destruction of the torches so that at least one of them remains at the end, the entire process will take place in a period of 30 minutes.
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Whenever a torch is destroyed, a system announcement will inform all players present in the place which kingdom managed to destroy it, so the defending kingdom must be aware of the number of existing torches as well as the number of torches eliminated, thus having greater awareness of the progress of the war.
If the time runs out and the attacking kingdoms fail to destroy all the torches, the defending kingdom is declared the winner of the war, receiving the right to be the only one to damage the remaining torches of the battle for 30 minutes.


What can come from Torches?

- 1x Jewellery Box
- 1x Poison Sword+2
- 1x Lion Sword+2
- 1x Devil Wing Chakram+2
- 1x Crow Steel Bow+2
- 1x Grudge Sword+2
- 1x Bamboo Bell+2
- 1x Poison Sword+3
- 1x Lion Sword+3
- 1x Devil Wing Chakram+3
- 1x Crow Steel Bow+3
- 1x Grudge Sword+3
- 1x Bamboo Bell+3
- 1x Black Steel Armour+3
- 1x Black Steel Armour+4
- 1x Magic Plate Armour+3
- 1x Magic Plate Armour+4
- 1x Black Wind Suit+3
- 1x Black Wind Suit+4
- 1x Black Clothing+3
- 1x Black Clothing+4
- 1x Nightshade Armour+3
- 1x Nightshade Armour+4
- 1x Sting Sword+3
- 1x Sting Sword+4
- 1x Siamese Knife+3
- 1x Siamese Knife+4
- 1x Blue Dragon Bow+3
- 1x Blue Dragon Bow+4
- 1x Soul Stealing Blade+3
- 1x Soul Stealing Blade+4
- 1x Hawk Claw+3
- 1x Hawk Claw+4
- 1x Ecstasy Fan+3
- 1x Ecstasy Fan+4



Defender of this week





- The event will take place weekly, always on Tuesdays at 20:00, Brasília Time (UTC-3).

- The winning kingdom receives 2 days of 100% Drop Rate, Gold and Experience increase consecutively after the activity ends, ie Tuesday around 8:30 pm until Thursday around 8:30 pm Brasília (UTC-3).

- The number of torches present in the castle can vary between 5 to 10 units.

- The defending kingdom only wins the war if there is any Torch left.

- Among the attacking kingdoms, the winner will be the kingdom that has the most amount of torches destroyed.

- If both attacking realms end up with the same number of Torches destroyed, the realm that reached that number first wins.

- During the initial 30 minutes the defending realm does not inflict damage on them, after the protection process (if it is the winner) the defending realm gets the right to be the only one to damage the remaining torches for a period of 30 minutes.

- The Event will be monitored by the team in order to maintain the integrity of such activity as well as the enjoyment of all.

- We are not responsible for items lost via PK or KS.






AoM2 Team - NyxCom.